This specific Build Order has been refined perhaps more than any other BO I have ever had.  In other words, it has been molded to utter perfection.  There  is just no way to improve on this.  Down to the number of dustscouts, everything in this BO is the result of massive testing and real world playing.  It was developed over the course of almost 7 months by myself and Bilbo - not the most popular player in the EBFD community (I havent seen him in a long long time)- and later refined to perfection by me and Sardcore, my long trusted and honorable friend.  Sardcore and I refined it, molded it, and here it is I now present it to everyone out there.  This particular BO can take out anyone-  anyone including the top most elite players to have ever played the game.  And that is without a doubt.   There are counter moves to it- these counter moves will not prevent you from annihilating your enemy, they only respond by trying to annihilate one of you making the game into a tie.  During one of my three losses using this BO against Cerb and Earedil, this truth was seen:  there was no way to stop Cerb's base from being destroyed.  Earedil used the counter move, of which I did not correctly recognize, thus he wiped my army and eventually won.   After Cerb's base was destroyed and my base destroyed, it was at that moment a tie game.  But with Earedil Vs. my partner in a big war, Earedil came out on top.  So in summary, the only counter move to this is to go for a tie (meaning you kill one of your enemy bases, they kill one of yours)- because there really is no direct way to stop this tactic- you WILL wipe out an enemy base, and they cannot stop you, even if they are the best players to have ever played the game (please dont think I'm trying to be arrogant here, its just that I've done this sooo many times- the way this game is designed, there is just nothing u can do if all the conditions are met- you try it and see).   In retrospect to our loss vs. Earedil and Cerb, I will tell you what Ear's counter move in, and what my response should have been. See the details page for more info there.   

And now I share it with you.  It requires very specific settings.  If you and your partner do this right, you will not take many losses doing it, and you will be virtually unstoppable (unless your opponents know it is coming and do the counter moves I describe below).  The settings are, however, considered "noobish" since it is a 30K fisher plain.  But that doesn't mean it still isn't fun to do!!

These conditions MUST be met to do this tactic:

4 Player
you and your partner are both Ordos, one of you has Guild Subhouse, the other has IX
30K, no starting units, no prebuilt
Fisher Plain.   Do not attempt this on a small map, it still MIGHT work, but a victory is not guaranteed like it is on fishers.  Besides, a Fisher Plain 30K is already a questionable setting, using a small map 30K settz is beyond absurd.  LOL 
Either you or your partner (either one of you or both) MUST be located adjacent to an enemy base when the game begins.  If you are both at the bottom of Fisher Plain, and enemies are at the top, then don't even bother, conditions are not met and it will fail.  As long as one of your bases (or both) is adjacent to an enemy rock (or both), you can use this tactic.

To do this tactic, you and your partner MUST be highly coordinated.  Sloppy play means a loss.  I know because out of more than 100 times doing this, I have lossed three times due to my sloppy play.  This tactic has a very SPECIFIC BO that you MUST FOLLOW precisely!  This tactic has been thoroughly played and I'm telling you that the following BO is virtually unstoppable and is the best it can be, so don't deviate from it.  30K may be a "noob" setting, but when I have a sure win up my sleeve, I'll take it!  Noob or not, this BO just plain rocks.  The first time you and your partner actually do it correctly, you will love it.

The only problem that is an unknown is that now that I am making it public and other people know how to do it, will it still work in the future?  I believe so- since there is really no way to stop it (see my details page for the counter moves)



See the Details-->


Ordos Smack